White Paper – e-liquid bottles – Manufacturing Density

Do you know what your e-liquid bottles are made of?

When considering e-liquid bottles it’s important to be aware of the wide variation in bottle materials from various suppliers. If you choose incorrectly and your bottle density isn’t appropriate, then your product could suffer! an inappropriate bottle density could result in:

  • Your e-liquid label peeling away or not adhering properly
  • The e-liquid seeping into the bottle and label itself (migration)
  • A poor quality product for the consumer, both in aesthetics and also product quality

Bottle density and surface energy is of vital importance to your product. Not only for the product inside, but also for the label application. Download this handy guide to vape bottle manufacturing to understand the options and get it right first time! whether you are buying in mass from overseas, or purchasing locally, it’s always worth being empowered with the right information so you can satisfy and protect your precious customers.

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At CS Labels we are the experts in digital label application. Our R&D team have tested numerous materials on a wide range of e-liquid bottles and we have developed a special range of labels for e-liquid bottles that work on both low density and high density bottles. They can also have tactile triangles on them.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team. And don’t forget to download the guide!

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